Radical Rick 45th Anniversary Book Coming Soon!

Radical Rick Gift Guide

Here we are, rad fans! 

When the Black Friday hordes start elbowing and the Amazon trucks come a-parking, we all know what season it is.  

That’s why we’re hauling out the first, annual Holiday rundown of Radical Rick gift ideas. When it comes to high-octane, gift-wrappable merch that gets you stoked to ride, Damian’s got you covered. 

If you’ve been reading along every month, you might recognize a few of these premium goodies…but some will surprise you. We’re pulling the hottest Radical Rick gear on shelves, still available in our online store, or coming out in the near future.

As always, act fast and you’re more likely to snag what you need before it sells out. 

Trust us—One Hundred Percent Rad Certified gear has a strange way of doing that…

With that, here’s the official Radical Rick Winter Gift Catalog.

While you browse, keep your eyelids peeled for a PSA from one Mean Inc.

We hear tell they’ve got a few diabolical gift-giving tips of their own.

1. Radical Rick Numberplates

Our pals at Flite BMX.com are hard at work on this Radical Rick numberplate coming out soon.

This rad boy will be the third Radical Rick BMX box collection, complete with the decorated, signed plate, matching pads, buttons, rad certificate and a collector’s coin.

With images, backgrounds, and a sticker collage from the Radical Rick comic strip, there’s no limit to how rad you’ll feel dropping in and roasting berms.

While this one’s not out just yet, you’re just in time to snag Skuzzer Switchblade and MX Mug’s box sets.

Skuzzer Switchblade

Where else will you find an accessory pack this rebellious?

Every numberplate is alien green on black, and touched up with bullet holes, an anti-Rick sign, a squashed mosquito (no real ones were harmed…) and of course Damian’s signature.

Check it Out

Last but not least, MX Mug (available now) comes with all the same fixings:

MX Mug

Check it Out.

In the uncensored words of MX Mug: “With this plate and these pads, the babes will come flocking… and Radical Rick will finally eat your dust.”

Sure Mug.

And before we’re done with this two…

2. Mug and Skuzzer Bobbleheads

Perfect for your desk, shelf, dashboard, Radical Rick shrine—or with a little DIY—your Christmas tree.

Still available from our pals at SupercrossBMX.com

Check Out Bobbleheads

3. Radical Rick ‘26 Bike - Haro Bikes

There’s so many drawings, scribbles, and easter eggs on this bad boy that we’re probably going to do another post in it.

Case in point—if there’s enough space for a Slo Ride bike in size ‘24 or ‘26 or ‘29 underneath your tree, go with one tested and approved by BMX legend Bob Haro.

Radical Rick approves this message.

Check Out Radical Rick Bike

A Holiday Announcement From Mean Inc.

We interrupt the radness for yet another word from Mean, Inc.

This time, Skuzzer Switchblade’s up…apparently with some thoughts on how to stuff the perfect holiday stocking.

Read on if you dare.

Skuzzer’s Stocking Stuffing Pro Tips

“Every year, we Switchblades fill each other’s stockings with aromatic, evil goodness. To get the most out of thine garment, take it from us porcine. Layer a loved one’s royal stocking with:

-A raw onion in the toe (or a mushy, half-eaten apple if thou art generous)

-Delicious vittels—anchovies, ghost peppers, and a finely aged limburger cheese

-Something practical, like axle grease or tusk polish

-Something that will make the whole family laugh… like a jury summons or an armed hand grenade (for a diabolical good time, hide the pin in another stocking).

-A seasonal token from one of thine enemies… a toe, a pinky-finger, or a classic shrunken head.

-Thumbtacks, nails, and a few nose rings to fill up extra space

-On top? Something sweet and scrumptious… a carton of maggot-tapioca or my own booger-blast ice cream.

For a heart, and flesh-warming spin, soak thine stockings in gasoline…and when it’s time to open them, turn up the fireplace full blast.

*evil snort*

And remember, if thou art low on cash, a stocking with dirt, gravel, and a gently used loincloth can still make a memory. ‘Tis the thought that really counts.”

-Skuzzer Switchblade. 


Thank you for the suggestions Skuzzer.

While we’d love to get to Smart Holiday Shoplifting with Butch Cartilage, and Gift-Giving Traditions… that help you control the youth of America with Purin Flashin, I think we’ll get back to the catalogue now.

4. Original Artwork

Now that’s more like it.

This hand-painted, intergalactic feature might not fit in a stocking… but what would look better hung above the living room?

Move over, family portrait.

Check Out Damian's Artwork

5. Rad Body Garments

A classic emblem on charcoal gray.

There’s plenty more where this came from… not to mention beaniesmore tee-shirts, and the prefect End-oh!

Check Out Clothing

6. Rad Stocking Stuffers

Sorry Skuzzer… we can’t resist upstaging you with this Radical Rick collector’s coin, the Rad 2 patchsticker packs, and a still-available number of signet rings, pad sets, and rad bandanas.

As of this newsletter, all available.

Get yours.

Get that stocking out.

Stuff away.

Check It Out

Happy Shopping, Rad fans!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and rad tidings all around.

Until next time.

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